From a dirt-road childhood in Mississippi, William Watson learned democracy watching Southern-born parents risk their lives (and his) in the 1960s Civil Rights Movement.
Self-medicated to survive coming of age, he is now sober from alcoholism for more than three decades - "a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of his spiritual condition."*
After a career as a psychotherapist treating people experiencing substance use disorders, he prototyped award-winning equity innovations in Higher Education for over 20 years.
He is an Aspen Institute Presidential Fellow for College Excellence (with Stanford University). The doctorate he earned from San Francisco State University centers social justice and equity.
Dr. Watson founded Waterbrook, LLC, during the Covid 19 pandemic amid autocratic threats to the future of American democracy.
With the clarity of of crises’ crucibles, Watson formed Waterbrook, LLC answering these questions:
His new book and workbook, Twelve Steps for White America: for a United States of America, is published by Cognella Press.
*Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book (3rd ed.). (1976). Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. p. 85
Twelve Steps for White America: for a United States of America Book (Workbook with Christine Sleeter, contributor) Cognella Press.
Leader of higher education participation in complex regional and national collaborations STEM, Financial Capability, Career Pathways, Stackable Credentials (in Bio-manufacturing, 2+3 Engineering Transfer to M.S.), Economic Mobility, Immigrant Integration, Faculty Development (SRI, NSF, Stanford), College to Career for Court-Involved Youth, and Opportunity Youth Collective Impact Initiatives.
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